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Author: <span>alexrabbitte_1</span>

Author: alexrabbitte_1

The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rohirrim – Film Review

Galloping for Glory? Out of the many and varied film franchises that I have been blessed to have been brought-up on, it’s fair to suggest that The Lord of the Rings series of films still reigns in cinematic supreme compared to other adored features of yesteryear. Indeed, whilst I was …

Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse Film Review

Kaleidoscopic Animation Personified? When it announced itself onto the cinematic stage back in 2018, Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse rather broke the mould of the sneered perception of how superhero films are critically received and rather acted as the radioactive arachnid that comes to bite our relatable hero; a spider-bite that …

My Hero Academia – Season 6 Anime Review

Out Of The Frying Pan And Into The Fire There’s no denying that, once-upon-a-time, My Hero Academia was the eye-catching Shōnen babe that proudly stood tall amongst its other Shōnen sweethearts due to not only its simple-yet-effective super-heroic milieu, but how it insolently boasts its inviting premise in manner that …

The Matrix Film Review

Impact It’s fair to say that the sci-fi genre in film has evolved tremendously over the years, with significant events and technological advancements pushing the boundaries of storytelling and visual effects. From the very early days of silent films which pioneered its creative hubris to look at ideas and like-minded …