The Rabbitte Perspective

A space dedicated in producing high-quality Film and T.V. Reviews from the gaze of a Rabbitte...Welcome to The Rabbitte Perspective.
The Rabbitte Perspective

The Rabbitte Perspective

Erased Anime Review

Leaving You Wanting More As much as the likes of Attack On Titan, Sword Art Online and One Punch Man have maintained the arguable notion that Japanese animation still has a viability towards Western audiences due to their respective popularity, it’s still disconcerting to come across a ‘lesser-known’ anime in this present day that would …

Logan Film Review

A Fitting Conclusion To A Contemporary Cinematic Figure Tobey Maguire, Ryan Reynolds, Christian Bale, J.K. Simmons, Heath Ledger and of course, Robert Downey Jr. What do all of these actors have in common with each other? They’re all actors, in their respective roles, that have portrayed superhero related characters to …

Split Film Review

Back To His Familiar Ways? From almost the very beginnings of cinema, the notion of ‘stardom’, within the many actors and actresses that have come and gone to grace the silver-screen, has been one of the medium’s defining characteristics. In this day-and-age, it serves to be a construct that plays …

Lemony Snicket’s A Series Of Unfortunate Events (Season 1) T.V. Review

Eerily Sarcastic That Exceeds Expectations As much as this may seem surprising to many general viewing audiences, it’s more than likely that, in this day-and-age, you’ll be watching a T.V. series that is a direct spin-off from an already established film. Indeed, with a film industry that’s flooded with remakes, …

La La Land Film Review

Ga Ga Over La La? A Full-Impact Dazzlement That Charms And Commends Classical Cinema Ever since its first teaser trailer that appeared many months ago and its inception at the Venice Film Festival, Damien Chazelle’s latest feature of La La Land had been spouted and received by avid film-goers as a film …