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Tag: <span>X-Men</span>

Tag: X-Men

Logan Film Review

A Fitting Conclusion To A Contemporary Cinematic Figure Tobey Maguire, Ryan Reynolds, Christian Bale, J.K. Simmons, Heath Ledger and of course, Robert Downey Jr. What do all of these actors have in common with each other? They’re all actors, in their respective roles, that have portrayed superhero related characters to …

X2 Film Review

Once That Was X-Cellent, Is Now X-Traodinary While the first film of any ‘Super Hero’ series tend to be pictures that are different and exciting with having a new story, new character and slightly different action pieces from other hero flicks, arguably the hardest job to top the original film …

X-Men Film Review

Where It All Originated From… It’s fairly arguable that when you take a look at what particular films make the most money and are generally advertised the most when it comes to distribution in this present day, it is indeed the ‘Super-Hero’ or ‘Comic-Book’ films that generally fit that description. When you actually take …